Client Case Studies
Silicon Beach Computers (SBC) partnership with LJ Hooker Freshwater
Autumn 2011
It was business as usual for Cranston Schwarz in his LJ Hooker Freshwater real estate agency. There was just one issue at the back of his mind: managing his IT system more efficiently. More specifically, his staff were complaining about the mediocre performance of the current IT hardware. Cranston Schwarz recalled:
“We were having constant issues with our old IT company with our server crashing all the time, data corruption and a lot of staff down time waiting around for these various issues to be rectified. These problems were extremely frustrating and were starting to effect the day to day productivity and running of my business– we needed a solution as quickly as possible”

March 2012
Cranston met with SBC’s Prasad Pillai and his team. They immediately understood that Cranston was not only after an IT Solution, but also a support base for his staff.
Prasad Pillai reflected on that meeting:
“We could sense the frustration and difficulties Cranston and his team were experiencing. For me it was matter of gaining Cranston’s trust, as without trust there is a no business partnerships”.
After assessing his needs, SBC provided a tailor-made IT platform that allowed Cranston to budget and forecast his outgoings and also improve his business.
Over the course of a weekend, SBC successfully migrated LJ Hooker’s old server into a newer and efficient server solution. Most importantly, there were no disruptions to Cranston’s business.
Cranston said at the time:
“It was really important for us to have a smooth transition from the old server to the new server with minimal interruptions and disruptions to my staff”
And on Monday morning, the staff at LJ Hooker Freshwater were pleasantly surprised to see their new faster IT Solution. The SBC team were on hand during the day to help each user integrate back into their working environment.
Cranston recalled that Monday morning:
“After months and months of endless issues, it was refreshing to have not only a faster more efficient server in place, but professional and reliable support team that we can call on whenever we have any questions. We also immediately noticed that the amount of issues drastically reduced”
Cranston and Prasad had a final meeting to complete the first phase of this strategy and discussed the gradual changes required in the future.
Prasad emphasises:
“The final meeting is pivotal as it allows us to ensure our customer is completely satisfied with our work and importantly we have achieved their primary objective. Seeing Cranston and his staff’s reaction was more fulfilling to my staff as well. This is what SBC prides itself on ‘partnerships’.”
Nowadays the staff at LJ Hooker Freshwater are much happier, with SBC maintaining their IT on a monthly basis. Importantly Cranston can focus on his core activity: growing his business.
Cranston is more comfortable with this IT direction:
“We have had a staged roll out of new PC’s for each staff member which has made a huge impact on staff productivity and efficiency. Knowing that the SBC team have all bases covered when it comes to maintaining our IT system on the monthly maintenance plan has been a huge benefit to my company”